The Company

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White Hat Renewables, LLC is a privately held, technology neutral renewable energy project development company based in Menlo Park, CA. White Hat is committed to the development of sustainable, clean, domestic energy sources, including solar, wind, energy efficiency, water treatment, and bio-mass. With a diverse team of government, renewable energy, utility, and technology veterans, White Hat specializes in developing and executing renewable energy projects from concept to completion. The White Hat team solves the complicated environmental, legal, regulatory, technical, and financial challenges associated with renewable energy development.

A convergence of politics, economics, and technology has created an investment opportunity in renewable energy. While technology continues to drive down costs, the benefits of renewable energy development have never been greater:

  • Hedge Against Supply Constraints and High Prices – peaking production and increased competition for fossil fuel supplies will constrain incumbent power generation, and result in energy shortfalls and dramatically increased energy prices over the next two decades in the absence of significant technological innovation.

  • Monetize Emissions Offsets – Growing awareness of climate change and pollution are leading to new regulation of traditional power production. The implementation of any government emission-reduction measures, including a carbon tax, cap-and-trade system, and renewable portfolio standards, will provide added financial incentive for clean power.

  • Increase Energy Security – There is a bi-partisan recognition that the United States’ security is weakened by its dependence on uncertain foreign energy supplies and large vulnerable central station power plants. This emerging political environment creates a strong driver for domestic and distributed power generation.

  • Economic Price Point – Breakthroughs in solar, wind, and biomass technologies have brought the cost of renewable energy generation to or close to grid parity. When combined with federal investment subsidies and the generation of soon-to-be liquid carbon credits, renewable energy development at viable sites delivers a greater return than construction of a fossil fuel generator.

The White Hat team has experience with solar, wind and biomass projects, ranging from large, utility-scale power plants to smaller, "behind the meter," distributed solar and wind (through our investment in Foundation Windpower, LLC) projects for industrial or commercial end-users.

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White Hat Renewables